What We Do
Our mission has several components: the mobile food pantry; the referral pantry; response to emergency needs; outreach to small communities.
PCFLO operates a referral-only pantry which distributes quality canned and packaged food, perishables, and personal hygiene products. Since February 2008, PCFLO has been able to provide a generous week's worth of nourishing food once a month to more than 350 households. Referrals are accepted from county agencies and church pastors. The Referral Pantry is located at 108 Straight Road Oriental, NC 28571
Partnership with the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina provides PCFLO the opportunity to purchase food stuffs at a nominal cost from FBCENC's warehouse in New Bern and a monthly receipt of USDA products. Daily donations of meat, bread, produce and deli items from the Grantsboro Food Lion, WalMart, and are picked up and received at the Pantry by volunteers. Fresh seasonal produce from The Veggie Box, a faith-based group of gardeners in Arapahoe, is donated. In addition, non-perishables are donated by members of the partner congregations, generous individuals, and organizations throughout the county. Designated shoppers also judiciously purchase from county stores or wherever there are excellent bargains.
Partnership with the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina provides PCFLO the opportunity to purchase food stuffs at a nominal cost from FBCENC's warehouse in New Bern and a monthly receipt of USDA products. Daily donations of meat, bread, produce and deli items from the Grantsboro Food Lion, WalMart, and are picked up and received at the Pantry by volunteers. Fresh seasonal produce from The Veggie Box, a faith-based group of gardeners in Arapahoe, is donated. In addition, non-perishables are donated by members of the partner congregations, generous individuals, and organizations throughout the county. Designated shoppers also judiciously purchase from county stores or wherever there are excellent bargains.
We are able to respond to a monthly average of thirty referrals for families or individuals experiencing immediate need. They are provided with a grocery bag of non-perishables, another bag of three or four meals appropriate in size to the number in the household, and a supply of personal hygiene items
On the first Wednesday of each month, PCFLO accepts delivery of one to three tons of food products, at no cost, from FBCENC's Mobile Food Pantry truck. A pool of approximately forty volunteers assist with the unloading and subsequent repacking and distribution of the items. Since September 2007, about 75 families each month have taken advantage of the wide variety of products. Any resident of Pamlico County is eligible. There is no "need" or identification check required, as per FBCENC regulations.
Due to the generosity of local grocery stores and the commitment of many dedicated volunteers every day of the week, we are able to provide bakery, produce, and meats to over 350 households through our referral pantry. We work with ten community churches in various locations throughout Pamlico County as well as County Social Agencies to distribute much needed food items.
PCFLO has processes in place for unplanned emergency events, such as Hurricane Irene on August 21, 2011. Beginning the very next week through January 2012, we distributed approximately 90,000 pounds of non-perishables, bread, cleaning products and water designated for disaster relief individuals.